Thursday, April 2, 2009

Gail Albert Halaban

This show just finished at the Robert Mann Gallery, but I still think it's worth checking out on the website. Out My Window

I fell in love when I ran into the photos and was even more in love after going to see it.

Also, she even created a blog that talks a little about the process and includes some stories of the people she included in the photos, etc. Blog Link

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Lili Almog
Andrea Meislin Gallery
The Other Half of the Sky
May 2 - June 13, 2009
opening and book signing
Saturday, May 2 4-6pm

This show is about working women in China. I can't copy her photos, but you can see them at

Although this series isn't in the exhibit, I love her "Perfect Intimacy"'s a photo project about nuns. She is interested in the spiritual world and lifestyle these women have dedicated themselves to. While exploring this world, she comes across other prominent issues, such as where and this lifestyle fits into the environment. Here are some of my favorites.

A friend of mine showed me this and I thought it was really really interesting.

A few of my favorites

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Here's a preview of my trip in Guatemala. More at :

Monday, March 30, 2009

Window View

Brooklyn 2009

In The Mood